Tea Packaging – Final

My final renditions are below. I went with Southern Sweetness as the name of the tea brand. The middle is the logo packaging in white and in between are different pattern concepts of either the gingham stripes or flavor patterns such as the lemons or green leaf.


Tea Packaging – Ideation and Design

The final project deals with creating a package design for high end tea. My idea specifically was to create a tea with a Southern twist. Instead of sweet tea the company that I made Southern Sweetness creates sweeten organic tea. To give it some southern comfort I researched some design ideas that would give it a comforting, homely feel. Some of my favorite pattern ideas I found were from picnic table patterns and patch quilts.

Here are some of my sketches:


Digital Comps exploring textures and type choices.


Phone Application II – Final

I decided to call my app Treasure Aisle. In a sense, searching for groceries with a grocery list is a lot like hunting for treasure, delicious treasure. The app does three main things.  It can find a particular item, create lists, and it can take that list and map out participating store’s layout to help you find your groceries.  (in this hypothetical I’ve managed to convinced every grocery within Raleigh and Cary to give me their aisle planners).

Below is the final rendition of Treasure Aisle:


Phone Application Part I – Ideation

Our next project involved creating a phone application. I wanted to create a grocery finder, particularly a grocery finder that could locate an item and its aisle. My idea stemmed from my grocery shopping habit of meandering the aisles for too long. Part of it is because I’m disorganized procrastinator the other part is there’s just too many items and grocery and often times items you think would be in a particular aisle is not there but in another. The app however, wouldn’t just find one particular item that’s hard to find but would map your entire grocery list.

Below are my sketches and design idea musings for the Application.


Video Game Project – Part IV Final

Here are pictures of my final Box Project. Overall, there were some disappointments in terms of the ideas that had to be abandoned, but it was a great project for multi-item project.


Video Game Project Part III – Design (cont.)

Below was the main part of my Video game collection idea. I created a small booklet that gives fingering and a music sheet of the main theme of IloMilo. Currently there is no official IloMilo music sheet of the theme, so I had to create it from scratch dusting up the old High School brain remembering the choir practices and piano practices of remembering music.


Video Game Project Part II – Design

After a few weeks of creating items, I realized I ran into a problem. My game’s original company Southend Interactive went bankrupt. Tons of high end images and concept designs were lost from internet. Fortunately I was able to find enough images and fan concepts to push through Ilo Milo but I had to abandon a couple of concepts I originally wanted to do such as the inner maze concept.

The Items I eventually settled with creating was this: musical items, musical booklet, shirt, Case, Sound Track, and Box.

Below is the Video Game Case:

VG - XBOX ONE Cover Art-01